Saturday 4 June 2011

Android programming using IntelliJIdea


  Install following:-

  1. JDK                :
  2. IntelliJIdea       :      (Community Edition)
  3 .Android SDK   :

 Open IntelliJIdea .Select file > New project,the click select project from scratch as shown below :



    Click ok.

Then type Project name as HellowWorld in Name textbox,then choose Android module from select type.Click Ok.

 check create source and click next.



 Browse android sdk.


 Click + button as shown above to browse android sdk .select jdk ok.Then home sceen will show as follows:
 Click edit configuration above to select/create andoird virtual device.


 Check select device manually or select listed device you previously created.If suggest to use choose manually,so that we can select preferred config device at run ok.Now click run.Then you are supposed to create a device if not created previously.Click launch emulator.Noe create one as follows.


Click ok.Click launch emulator.Noe emulator will launch as follows:

   Unlock Virtual phone.Click on green color lock and drag to right will unlock virtual phone.


Now you can see HellowWold Application on screen.Click that icon.


 That's it.Great you did it well.Now you can have a simle, your first android application launched ryt.

Note : Don't close emulator just do changes in code and click run it will automatically reflect  in emulator.








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